Love the NSRA Supernats (should be called the Street Rod Nats in my opinion but that’s another story)……..;o).
Couldn’t convince my Mr’s that we should go this year as she just says she doesn’t enjoy it?? no idea why, just she doesn’t enjoy it”.. but just a few days before the cut off date for pre-entry she reneged and said sod it book it!
We got pre-booked with 2 days to spare before the cut off date.
Should be a good one this year I thought, as it is also the venue for the pre 49 Euronats. So promised to have some stunning Continental Rods there that haven’t been seen on these shores before as well as the top Uk Rods to.
This was going to be Street Rod heaven for sure!
We take a welcomed break and exercise our dogs!!
Spotted these 2 at the services but didn’t see them at the Supernats???
We set off early afternoon on the Thursday and stopped overnight at the Wyboston travelodge which is just 8mile away from the Supernats (Biggleswade) raining most of the way there.
We met Charley from the Isle of Skye for the first time at the travelodge, who had traveled 650miles so far, where we had just done a measly 260 miles… Just a Hop Skip and a Fart away compared to Charley and his wife.
34 Sedan parked at the travelodge, driven down from Scotland with Charley not quite as far as Charley at a mere 560 miles or so.
We exchanged pleasantries in the car park and later a natter and a meal with them in the Little Thief restaurant £3.60 for a 330ml bottle of cider I rest my case!!
Friday was an early start, with a decent breakfast again from the afore mentioned Little Chef…
Saw a few rods as we made our way to Old Warden but couldn’t get any decent photos sorry only this one turned out.
With the Euronats being on from the Wednesday, there was no queue this time at arrival to Old Warden (Biggleswade). I take my hat off to the volunteers who man the booking in tent for the NSRA as they must have to put in some hours to make sure everyone pays or if they have pre-booked get there participants bag, which were fantastic this year by the way.
The whole event is put together and organised by just 9 people who are all volunteers, I find it absolutely awesome that they do this for us all, so we can have a jolly weekend, while they toil all the time, they do it because they love the scene so much, yet don’t get to enjoy it as they are working unlike us lucky sods… *a round of applause please for all the NSRA and helpers*
Once camp was set up, I could relax with a cup of coffee and my camera handy to get a few shots of the Rods milling about and mill they did. It was a rolling Rod show right past our camp groovy!.
Willys was a Euro Rod… Blue and Yellow F1 was cool.
Bob Luxford was Hawking this crackin A coupe.
This is apparently some kind of Southern greeting .
The ex Geordie Paul’s A pickup still looked as good as ever with its new owner.
You need to look very closely at the driver in this photo, it is Hellraiser himself Ozzie!
Hitchhikers were every where
Gorgeous 34 in Candy orange.. stunning Rod.
Noisy Buggers see video link below..
Though we where in a prime location to see all the Rods drive by, we were to regret it by the end of the weekend as the rods kicked up a sand storm that covered our caravan, awning, my truck, pudzz sedan, our water barrels, barbecue, dogs and us also from head to toe with a horrible sandy dust that we are still trying to remove now!! Note to self,, don’t fukin camp there again! ;o) and the twating cars with exhaust that pointed at the ground well you can imagine. Bloody Ozzy and Paul Kennedy eh… rolling sand storms the pair of them, with their surging throttles ;o)… See Video click here! (there are 2 videos one of Paul and one of the pair of the noisy dust kicking buggers together Video 2 click here ) I Love them really x ;o)
Apart from the dust ( it was a great vantage point to see everything).
My bessy mate Pudzz and his wife Sue had to travel down Friday so they didn’t arrive until later Friday morning, we waited for them before we did our compulsory camp site trek to check out the Rods and annual trip to Asda for the weekends provisions.
When I was setting up camp this guy comes past, and says Good Morning I say Morning and think I know that face * Hum?*… then it twigs American accent it’s Pete Chapouris (or how ever ya spell it)… Cool. Then a short while later Brian Watson comes by and we have a good natter with him, he was going cold turkey as he had sold his 46 Sedan and now has a steel 33 coupe project, that will be a while yet before it is on the road. Then up comes Pete Chapouris again… and stops and has a good old crack with us which was even cooler.. What a genuine nice guy.
Good to see Pike and the cool 36 pickup.. also Hot Rod supremo Alan Spittle (friend of the Rock stars) was giving his center door T an airing.
Them there Posh Southern Rodder’s the Brack Pack have just the most stunning Rods.
Nice Fordson.
There must be a caption for this just cant think of one of the top of my head right now..
Duisenberg style headers looked trick..
The Euro Rods made a nice line up or two or three.
Photo doesn’t do this paint colour justice it really popped in the sunlight!
Mick Shepherd, Dave Mellor and Gary ? get the first round in… soon to be followed by many more.. great way to spend an afternoon. Great company and some lovely tasting beer/cider, oh and the weather wasn’t to bad either.
Mid afternoon we said we would take the dogs for their constitutional but met up at the beer tent with our good mates from Yorkshire and the Manchester area who were about to have a session. so it was only sociable to join em wasn’t it eh!!
Mick does his party piece and falls asleep, poor lad works so hard.
That was us for the rest of the afternoon till a slight altercation between us told us it was time to go get us tea’s.. ;o) *hic*.
Handy if the kids fall asleep a mobile bed for them.
Evening was spent outside the marquee just chilling and listening to the bands who sounded good to me and added a great Rod Run atmosphere, that you have to experience. Rods where parked everywhere and there were hundreds of people in and outside the marquee all night.
All though I know many people who go to the Rod runs, we still seem to just end up on our own?? With the odd short conversation as people pass us by or we pass them by .Anyhow those that I did manage to talk with, I really did enjoy their company.
Though that said we did have a real good natter with Hot Rod Hellraiser Tony *Ozzie* Osbourne mostly about his awesome Willys coupe. He was telling us how he keeps getting stick from people, asking why he has a 1000bhp Willys and only blurps around the show field in it and doesn’t drag it… or use it on the street..
Well he has been using it on the street though only for a few miles. He did a run out after some tune up work that was short lived as it melted his blower.. whaa whaaa bye bye a grand or two or three I thank you!!
Seemingly because of how mad the motor is, if it runs as a normal car (that’s how it got set up at this tune up) it runs to hot, it needs to run rich as fuk to keep it cool or cooler and not melt expensive stuff.
As for the strip if you had as much time, money, blood, sweat and tears in your car as Ozzie has (also remembering that this is a genuine steel 41 Willy’s coupe, his life’s dream Rod), you wouldn’t be so keen either. He isn’t prepared to take the risk of wrecking it, as he could never replace it, not just for a few seconds pleasure and to maybe shut a few people up anyway. So Fuk em, he does what he wants with it as he has earned that right and good on him as its down right awesome, if just a tad annoying with it’s surging throttle *see video above* ;o)….
The Posh Rods making a fly bye on their way to get all tucked up for the night!
Again an early’ish night 1:30 am *No Party invites* *No party back at our camp either.. so that was that apart from the noisiest generator you could ever imagine clattering away at the Pizza place a few yards away from us that stayed on until 2.30am keeping us from sleeping properly. I cant believe we don’t even go looking for a party any more, fuk I hate getting old and sensible… I hate it absolutely hate it!! Argggghhhh
What Saturdays write up done already.
Saturday – Hows my driving?

Didn’t feel to bad today even with an early morning start… Dogs don’t know when you are on ya holidays… 6am is 6am anywhere any day to them… whine, whine, whine.. feed me.. feed me.. take me for a walk/kak… if you have a vocal dog you know what I mean.. damn young dog is a PIA…..
So managed to ignore him until 6.45am then I could stand no more and got up fed them both… tried to wake up myself.. without a coffee that’s hard… did the dog lover bit and then proceeded to work on myself.
At billing, all the guys we have got to know have bought these amazing Cadac cooking machines come barbecues. they work like a hot plate and are superb for doing breakfast on… well not if you are into porridge or muesli that is.. but if like us you are more inclined to have a full English (I bet that pisses off the scots… a full English)….. ;o).. then these are the thing to have.. Me and Pudzz bought one a piece, though he conveniently forgot his so dirtied mine up instead… bloody typical and of course if they turned out to be shit, he could take his back as it would of been unused eh… crafty bugger.. So it got loaded up with, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, black pudding and fried eggs all on the go at the same time on the same hot plate.. fantastic and no slaving in the caravan kitchen getting all hot and bothered.. well my mr’s anyway I never did the breakfast before ;o).. so everyone’s a winner, That and several cups off coffee and I was like brand new again ready for some serious rod fun.
Great looking Rods and Customs were everywhere, sometimes even Hot Rod traffic jams right by our camp.. I know people knock the yanks and the deck chair brigade.. but there is a lot to be said for getting cocked on ya deck chair with a plate of full English on ya knee, large mug of coffee and just sitting and watching the Rods show roll by!! Absolute heaven! Talking of rods rolling by, I forgot to mention, yesterday morning a very sick sounding V6 model A pickup came popping and farting up the road… it was none other than tireless NSRA man Jason Springate, I suggested his dizzy had come loose…. he later checked his motor out and some funny fuk had swapped a couple of leads round.. much to his amusement. Rodder’s eh they are such comedians ;o).
Just so cool 33 Ford
Pie Crust rears what more could be better.
Craig the Penrith Cowboy out enjoying his fuel loving, big blocked, 8 injected, damn fine bitchin Roadster. Craig puts on the Hot Rod and Thrills and Hot Rods and Hills Runs up in sunny Cumbria.
Very nice 34 Sedan
Beautiful girls and a beautiful Roadster… what a perfect mix!
Nice agressive looking 32.
Pete Edwards having a drive out before the cruise really suits the new wheel and tyre combo.
Cant remember if this was before the cruise or after, father and son duo with cool T.
Brian (Totus) found this steel A coupe up in his native Scotland never seen a show before he bought it. very nice find!
The Cruise was to be started at 12pm and looked like being well attended as the Rods were slowly filling the show field and already jockeying for a prime position. Though the cruise was to be well patronized many rodder’s stayed back at camp..
The destination was to a Marina, a posh Marina at that. We got there after a few detours, that is what happens when you simply follow the car in front and don’t bother to get a map… at one point we were following a line of Rods and they parted at a roundabout going in three different directions.. we followed one lot and then lost them at some traffic lights, then messed up again at a roundabout. only to end up going back down the bypass we had just come up.. grrrrr and oh how my Mr’s loved to tell me how she was right and I was a twat ;o)… We got there eventually and it was a very nice venue for sure, very relaxed and very well organised. Burger (chicken thank goodness) chips coleslaw was £5 and was very edible.. the drink .. well … a pint of Cider and a large Rose spritzer… £8.70… Ha Ha Ha… I just said to the girl behind the bar.. Thank You and what a bargain.. I don’t know how you keep your prices so low! cynical me… na!!!
Dave Brown now calls my mate Pudzz “How Much?”. I said no wonder you all like living here down south, things are so reasonable. its just like being on your Holiday’s.. in bloody Saudi Arabia or St Tropez… ;o)
Going Gone!!
People were now following me and I was lost!
Phew found someone to follow again!
Got to the Venue at last!
Nice pair must be a least a 34 ;o)
Ram horned 32 sat nice in the sunshine
The Hot rod legends that are Langy and Brizey… both went on the cruise along with their bits of stuff ;o)
Very cool Harley Scrambler I love this bike.
Steve Hudson THEE latest name in top notch Car Trimming, does some amazing work. He stopped and had a chat with us, first time I have really spoken with him, though seen him at the shows for years..nice chap nice T.
Well drinks prices apart it was a nice civil way to spend an afternoon, but my 75p a pint Strongbow back at camp was beckoning me.. so off we trotted, though I did stop off at Homebase on the way back to get the Kosovo lads to give my Truck a very professional and friendly hand wash, a proper bargain at £5.. so I gave them £7 they even blacked my tyres.. what a nice bunch of hard working lads they were, it was nice to not feel ripped off and credit where credit is due…
Back at camp, it was time to have a look round the trade stands, then have a listen to Pete Chapouris who was having a question time in the Marquee very enjoyable it was to, with Guy asking him if he was Jimmy Shines Dad.. he is such a wag! Then it was back out with the Cadac for us evening meal (Tea if your from up north).
Who’s getting all arty farty then!
And a Voyer ;o) Bloody Car mad you lot!
Great to see we can still be enjoying it and drivng cool cars when many expect us to be going to Bingo or Derby and Joan clubs eh.. rock on!
One tough old twist and go worked hard all weekend!
Badges we dont need no stinking Badges!!
Then down to the marquee again for a pleasant evening listening to the bands and having a craic (crack) with anyone who didn’t avoid us ;o).
What an excellent atmosphere the place had, what a superb Supernats this was turning out to be.. again no late night party for us boring old farts… though to be honest if I had been invited to one I would of gone… So a quick wrestle and it was sleep time… ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Sunday – It’s Showtime!!
Hard work this reporting lark ya know, three nights solid, three reports, I am knackered.. oh hang on I have only just started the 3rd night.. Bugger!! Listening to some Fun Loving Criminals supping a can of Cider and trying to get something written down…”Hum?”… what the hell happened on the sunday?? Errrrr
Right started the day again real early cus of the dogs whining for their breakfast and a walk. I had not got a hang over “Great”… Once the dogs were sorted out came the Cadac again and Me and Pudzz cooked our breakfasts pronto and perfect.
Dave Cox works hard and had been doing so all week.
And the cars start rolling in to the show field
Even a Traffic Jam.
Chris Chantry (if he is still the owner) was giving this some at every opportunity yesterday on the cruise all you could hear at every junction was this howling up the road..
I was trying to muster some energy to go clean all the dust off my Truck as we were obviously sat in the gulf stream by the look of mine and Pudzz cars. Luckily I had the Car washed yesterday, so the job of cleaning wasn’t any where near as bad as it would of been if I hadn’t bothered.
The cars where piling into the show field at a massive rate of knots, Dave Cox was busy as an NSRA official, giving every participant in a show car another free prize draw ticket, which was a nice touch. It was hot and dusty work so we asked him if he needed a drink or breaky or anything, he said he was OK.. But Pudzz had cooked so much bacon he did Dave a sarnie anyway, he did look like he was fading away the poor chap working so hard..
Well the show field was filling up fast, so we decided to wipe our cars over eventually and get them stuck on the show field now before the place got to full to park.
When we came back we just chilled for a while watching the dust settle on our gear.. no sorry watch the Rods and Customs file past onto the show ground. Pudzz was chuffed as buggery that he was directed to the pre 49 section, while I was sent stage left with the riff raff.. ;o)
Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top) had played a Gig in that there London the night before, and so being good mates with Pete Chapouris, Pete had managed to talk him into attending the Supernats as a guest and do a signing session and a question and answer session to later.
Looking at the massive amount of Cars on the show field it was mind blowing, knowing where to start… We did the row by row thing, but you still miss cars, and flit past them not really taking any of the detail in. I hate that, rushing round the lines of cars and not really looking at them properly. One day… one bloody Day I will get time to look at the cars I like properly.
It was announced by the imitable John Price that Billy Gibbons had arrived, Pudzz said are we going to see Billy Gibb ;o)….. yeah Pudzz thought one of the Bee Gees was the special guest… Terrrrrrr
We had our prize draw tickets yet to fill in, and I was a little unsure on a couple of answers, so we went in search of the correct answers, once the answers were gleamed, we filled in the prize draw tickets and popped them in the appropriate boxes, hoping come prize draw time ours would be the winning tickets. We both went for the Chevy Crate engine, with a couple in the Melissa Gee pinstriping for me and the wiring harness for Pudzz.
I Think this is Ade Smiths cool Harley Bobber! Though I didn’t see him all weekend.
Looks like they are all praying at the Bike Alter.
Mark Higham was enjoying his High Riding Pop all weekend, the Rodding future is safe with young enthusiastic lads like this about!
Thee Billy F Gibbons.. the Big BFG…. only he looked so small and even dare I say frail.. Cool guy for sure but how tiny. He almost looks like a spitting image character.. I was gob smacked. Scruffy bugger to, his hat was moth eaten and his shirt was filthy.. still awesome to see him in the flesh and so close! and supping a can of Fosters.. so Rock and Roll ;o)
We managed to get up to where Billy was doing the signing session and the queue was massive. Poor guy had been up until 4am the previous morning and must of been knackered. But he kept smiling and signing away. I was asked by a guy in the queue if I would do a couple of photos of him with Billy, I nearly for a lark took a photo with his head cut off the frame.. but just couldn’t bring myself to do it…. I did a couple also for Dave Mellors Granddaughter, who is about 4yrs old and apparently a big ZZ top Fan, you could see on here face she really was in awe.. Cool eh.
1960 F100 looks superb and the shape to own I am sure we are going to see many many more later model trucks.
38 Ford? seen it before but it is so good it deserves another photo.
Well after all that excitement, we continued our line walking.. often doing the “NOW I LIKE THIS” comment.. We had to fill in our participants choice tickets now and how the hell do you pick a favorite. there were so many. I picked Les Howletts crackin 32, Liz Anderson’s fresh out Pop (built by Tim Hammond) and my top car was initially the blue 409 powered 32 of Gary McCormack s… but then I found Steve Marley’s fresh out A Roadster Pickup and I knew then what was my top Car.. just a beautiful piece of work stunning.
Les Howletts ace 32, at least he had a number this time so I could vote for it.. though he must of got on the field late as he was with the riff raff not over in the chosen ones section ;o)
Liz Anderson’s fresh out Pop, fresh out from Tim Hammond’s workshop that is. Now get this, Liz wife of best in britain winner Calum has just picked this up from Tim and after the Supernats was to drive it back up to Scotland for its first real drive.. now how cool is that.
Perfection no matter where you look, stunning detail and finish probably the best pop in the UK.
Gary Mac’s 409 powered steel 32, looks better with its fenders on in my opinion. absolute perfection Gary sure does put a great rod together, with beautiful Mick Shepherd (Premier Auto Trim) interior, this really is stuff that dreams are made of.
And here it is the Participants choice winner, Steve Marley’s bang on A Pickup Roadster. Great colour and I love them wheels.. just awesome style and a deserved winner. Steve was a bit over come by it all I think, he just was buzzing, excited and I think a tad apprehensive to, guts in a tizzy time I think .. I bet now it is all over he can relax and enjoy looking at and driving his beautiful stunning work of art Pickup! Nice one Steve..
Well as the day was hot and dusty, a Lager shandy was calling me. And Billy was about to start his question and answer session in the marquee.
I don’t think my Mr’s was much interested, but hey this was a one off chance never to be repeated event how could you miss it???? And the session was great entertainment, Billy and Pete Chapirous both good value and cool guys, a job well done.
Ha Ha now look what you can get if you become a rock star, sod A levels….. I wanna be a Rock Star Dad!
Well attended Q & A Session with Billy and Pete.
One last look at the Cars and a natter with a few old mates on the way round, we met Kev Rooney, then later Toad… hey what a contrast. Toad was with his beautiful wife Shirley they are both looking the part now as they are heavy into the rocking scene.
Sand Draggin, one out of this guys collection. Apparently he found a whole heap of ex Roth Cars in Multi Storey car park in France and after some guy had done a runner leaving the cars, he had bought to put in a museum which went tits up and he had to leave quickly…. So this guy paid the release fees (storage) and Voila he is now going to set up a museum with them.. cool!
Bloody Hell another perfect Rod where are they all coming from?
Surfing 34 Sedan eh!
I Love this T brings back memories of Barry Traceys Mr T… Ace looking T.
I don’t know what this is, looks like a Desoto.. but what do I know. I have never seen it before the seat height cracked me up. Bet this looks mega cool crusin low and slow.
Pudzz found the sexiness of Bob Booths A to much to bare and just had to have it right there and then! Hey they say owners become to look like their dogs eventually
After all that it was coming time to break camp and get ready for the off. So I got my Truck out from the show field and proceeded to fill it up with our camping junk/gear.
After about an hour or so slogging we were ready for the off, but couldn’t go until after the prize draw, which was now running about an hour late. We were eager to get going as though it is only 260mile to home it seems to take forever and we were starting to feel a bit knackered now.
Eventually the prize draw got underway and as it slowly progressed and passed our Melissa Gee pinstriping and wiring harness without us getting a sniff, things were looking decidedly like we were going home with nothing as usual and a couple of hours later than we wanted to also… still a free SBC would be nice so we soldiered on watching the lucky bleeders go up for their prizes one after another…. Then the big one, “the Chevy Motor”… yeah you guessed it , it wasn’t either of us that won.. Bugger another year to wait now! Should of left 2hrs ago ;o)
Drive home was Ok, but my truck seems to have developed an annoying vibration that rears its ugly head at 50mph and evens out at 60mph and coming from the rear ??? So 60mph it was then all the way back.
Must be a UJ or wheel balancing or maybe prop, but the prop was a new build and was balanced, no weights they used weld to balance it out so that shouldn’t be any different, it is not long ago I had the rear wheels balanced, and the UJ’s on the Jag rear were all ok last time I checked.. fuking cars eh do ya head in!!
I missed what would of been an amazing shot of this Custom as it drove past the Dodgems. it would of looked so good I nearly asked him if he would go back and drive past the dodgems again so I could get the shot!
Dan Donati’s 34 roadster not long out of Tim Hammond’s workshop, stunning workmanship again! With a Steve Hudson interior.Tim Hammond has got to be the best Hi Tec Rod builder in the UK who knows maybe the world.. awesome work!
Yet more Tim Hammond work, Fletch’s two, yes count them, two top class Street Rods. 34 Chevy Coupe his lucky son was driving round and I guess drove it down to the Supernats and Fletch’s just mind blowing 48 Woody.. The interior of the woody was done at Gabes in California.. now let me tell you a story…. I was at the Grand National Roadster show a few year back and I met Gabe and his lads. So I ask are you enjoying the fame you are getting through the TV Show American Hot Rod.. “Yeah sure man” one of his lads says, must get you a lot of work, your interiors are stunning, “why thanka you a lot”.. I said a guy I know from England had his car done by you, Do you remember it, you had to get him Oyster skin for it and I smiled…… he looked at me very confused but not wishing to embarrass me, he said “oh er??”… then I twigged what I had said… er er… “I mean Ostrich skin” Derrrr he smiled and said “yeah I remember it nice car!”.. I quickly left thinking best I keep my mouth shut now for a while.
Pudzz’s dream car.. very nicely put together 32 Roadster and do you know, though Pudzz is my best mate and he does all the Rod shows with me and I mention him in every write up.. he has never read any of these reports not a one.. even though he has a computer and internet connection, he never goes on it!! what a twat eh ;o) Ha Ha…. Maybe he will read this.. or then again maybe not!
That’s it, good night and see ya all at the Hot Rod Drags eh! and I am not taking my shirt off this time either!